The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Zandile (They Increased).

A Journey Of Fate, Grace, And Peace.

A friend of mine recently told me that I seem to be gifted in the art of turning ordinary stories into great stories...I blushed a little. But then I've been thinking, isn't it possible that we all might have been birthed with the ability to turn our normal daily activities into poetic psalms of genius in the hands of God, the master Poet? Instead we've been well skilled by society in the ability of taking extraordinary stories and turning them into the ordinary. In every story of life, in every circumstance, there's always something extraordinary in it, the problem is just that we've learned to only look at the gloom of the situation.

About 11 months ago, I had a very interesting conversation with my grandma. She spoke of her life as a youth, basically contrasting it with our current age, the privileges that we have but have failed to recognize. She told me that life is not worth living when you do not know God. She sat on her grass mat as she recalled the trails and tribulations of her beautiful life. She got married at the age of 20, only to discover that she was barren, told that she would never bare a child. Despised by the in-laws, she was sideline as wife in a polygamous relationship. Verbally abused with words that covered her heart with scars. But she had always been a praying woman, so she found God in the midst of all that.

Years later, she received her blessing, she fell pregnant with her first child, but sadly a soul that never got to see the light. With the second one, she only got to hear it cry only once before the curtains came closing in. And after nine pregnancies (my mom is the last one) with 4 kids lost at infancy, she sat there on her grass mat knitting her heart into solitude, glancing at the sky she smiled, and then spoke of the joy she had found in God and how in her fading years she looking forward to see her King. Her mane is Zandile (which means 'they increased'), which was prophetic really, considering the amount of kids she ended up having (5 who are still alive). She saw her life beyond the ordinary endeavors of a house wife, but in the perspective of the one who wrote it.

She said to me, ''there have been days that have not been kind and nights that have not been warm enough to take comfort in. There have been sunrises I've never looked forward to, gasping st the hands of dawn in fear of the inevitable fate that has it's foot stuck in my front door. And there have been sunsets I've hurried to, I kept chasing the wind to catch the dream fading away in the midst of moonlights while there was still a flicker of hope left. Yet paddling through my journey, in the midst of the dark tunnel, He is the light that I met shinning above the rest. I met a new day, a bright sun to light up my mornings, and a shinning star to light up my path at night. God had arrived and couldn't be denied His place...And it's amazing to see, how trouble to him be simply things with mystery within, to shine His face, the light of His glory revealed, giving birth to faith for those willing to receive. To know the love, the beauty from above that no heartbeat can escape."

Be extraordinary in your ordinary circumstances and when you tell your story, it will surely be extraordinary.

Keep Thinking!
Sources: The Life of An Ordinary Housewife

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