The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Ringtale Notes.....VII

Punctuated Equilibrium...

My Dear Butterfingers,

Ever since I heard that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, I've been looking for the one whom she tells the truth to. Because, perhaps, finding that being will bring rest to my turmoil of searching for the beauty itself. And it's a quest not without hassles and tussles. But my negativity has pushed me beyond insanity and the peer pressure masculinity I thought I had already fought through. For months on end, I've put my ear to the ground, to listen through the cracks, to hear her footprints when she comes beating with God's own scintillating pace. It was as if my fear of getting into a bad relationship was drawing me towards the wrong exit. When they said 'you must live for the moment', I began to forget about the future in an instance, and what's at stake when following the path of pretense. Yet I saw them eat crumbs of love, live life on a high and let reality escape them like those youth on drugs. I've seen them all around me, their stories remain long like graffiti, the streets tells them all without mutiny. And having learned the lessons from all these unsuccessful relationships, I've come to a conclusion that all relationships, whether it be a friendship or a romantic one, are meaningless when there's no purpose, direction and the common courtesy of respect. Trust becomes intrinsic. When these are violated, our journey of love becomes one that is marked by signposts of sex slaves, premature parenthood, getting dribbled by nipples and tingled in a cluster of mistakes and heartbreaks. Really, we all get lost to fallible courses. Some people you meet they love you today and leave you tomorrow ululating in sorrow, their infidelity makes loud noises. So at all times I guard myself that, I too, don't walk around carrying love on hormone lustful bags, dragging my soul to refuse bins like filthy rags.

Marriage is a wonderful and sacred engagement, and I believe in all relationship that should be an end goal. And if beauty keeps lying in the eyes of the beholder, and the end, when the beauty fades, she'll have nothing left except her lies. While the beholder will be drenching in his foolishness, having lost the very thing that brought a smile to his heart and completion in his eyes. The harmony, brought by the One whom she tells the truth to, becomes lost if both the beauty and beholder loss sight of the One. At the end they'll both be staring at the hollow mirrors of their squandered youth.

My friend, one thing for sure is that the young and restless die cold and alone, and I don't wanna experiment with human hearts so much that I end up becoming numb to the real thing when it finally comes. So it is important to stay true to God, that our love towards the beauty becomes unconditional, even when she doesn't deserve it.
My journey towards the beauty still continues my friend, by gazing more on the One we all tell the truth to, whether willingly or not, and knowingly or not.

P.S. Now regarding your letter you sent during the week, it was gladly received and I shall write to you and give you feedback soon.

Yours Affectionate Brother In Arms;
Ringtale, The Guy Who Plays A Certain Instrument

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