A Friendship Rendered...
My Dear Butterfingers,
My friend, I thought to write to once again, an excerpt from my journal of a friendship once held dear but now lies in the face of oblivion. She left, he stayed, life moved on to tell other story while the end to others still hanged in the balance, whether awaiting an unexpected twist, or just preparing to play out the credits...
She set her face like a flint, on her path, moving on from the cascade of protracted dream she once held true. Him, now a fleeting memory. Feelings of years past fled like a dew in the midst of sunrise, forgetfulness has left her in a daze. Perhaps, the possibilities that now stare her jarringly in the face are oblivious to the memories she once held true. Him, her, them together, the joy, the wonder, she now finds it hard to remember. So where to from here? the question beckons. An answer which, maybe, cannot be found lingering on bathroom mirrors where she leaves her reflection every morning hoping that when she comes back it would have found the answers. The things that were left unsaid now seem to be making loud noises in their silence. Arrangements overlooked, distant echoes of 'I miss you' that were never turned into a sound-beat to bring rhythm to their love song, and the time stolen by the 'busyness' that lazied the attempts to reconnect. His heartbeat skipped a beat, whipped, leading to loss of breadth in disbelief, memories is all he has now. She left, he stayed. She left not knowing where. She had lost patience in what was certain, wondrous in possibilities and what is enchanted, for the uncharted. He stayed, not knowing for what. He had to let go of what was real and true, to perhaps journey to what will be, when times opens her hands to reveal her intentions. But for now, he's staying, and she's leaving...perspective comes when two pole are apart far enough to have horizons at both end.
You and I know very well, my dear Butterfingers, of this pain of having to let go of some friendships. While we wait for our First Ladies, such an exercise is one that defines the true from the rest. How we respond is very pivotal to character building. And I've also learned that not everyone is the right one for us, no matter how right it feels.
May our emotions guide us as far as they should and our minds also carry us as far as they should, while God carries us from the start to finish.
Yours Affectionate Brother in Arms,
Ringtale, The Guy Who Plays A Certain Instrument.
Dated: 15 September 2013
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