The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Ringtale Notes.....XII

Marilyn Monroe.

My Dear Butterfingers,

I know it's been months since I last wrote to you. But that's largely due to a lot of things happening all at one time, deeming me emotionally and mentally unfit to write anything that would make sense. But I do hope that this letter will make some sort of sense.

There's just something about love and romance that kinda makes my heart uneasy. I don't know, I think sometimes finding yourself amid a trail of broken hearts can kinda push you back a bit. And besides, I'm an introvert, I love having my own space, and having to share my solitude zone with someone...well it kinda freaks a guy out. Yet on the other side, I'm a guy and we tend to have an infinite capacity to like...cause Cupid can be a real jerk at times. And they do say that when you take a pause from the high paced nostalgic dreams of life and pull to the side to the eternal gazes gleamed in the pale golden light of the planet's sun; where the ocean breeze bathes you with a chill of mystery, trapped in the wind as it moves swiftly to sweep the sea shore to a place where time stands still; they say love happens...naturally. So it is safe to say that where one finds himself in this love story told across many episodes in one lifetime, it's really God-ordained.

Sure enough I've seen prettier girls than her, but there's something about beauty that lies deep within. She painted a portrait that had previously been oblivious in my eyesight because of all the Marilyn Monroes I've encountered. Women so gorgeous, yet so lost in the world they so desired. Captured in images by their longing to be what they're not. A beauty so oppressive, it has intoxicated their dreams into repulsive realities of sad episodes we watch on sidelines through loud heartbeats that scream with broken chords on social statuses...She is a complete opposite. She reminded me that beauty is not just for show, but it's a mystery to the uncharted lands, a call to be enchanted beyond mere eyesight. Her, a gleaming jewel exploding out of a coal-black dull night that has magically came to life; Me, a wounded warrior with his face on the mud for having taken so much dirt from others, lying on his back so as to behold the cleansing embrace of Heaven. Her, a flower, with her scent catching the air in the full sunny day of spring, enticing, she's in the peak of her blossom. A free spirit, succinctly to where love calls on her name, an archaic love, like the stone age it's engraved on tablets in ageless ink and colour...the wonder she testifies forebears the truth of beings before time; Me, a straight G, always going by the script, I never deviate from the plan, and the current page speaks no tongues of love. So I float about like a shipwrecked sailor at sea, cause for a while love felt like illusion, a mirage that disappears just when hope starts to ignite. "Look but don't engage, lest you get your heart broken again by one of these...Marliyns" I keep telling myself.

I think at the moment, my Butterfingers, my biggest fear is that all the heartbreaks I've known might actually turn my heart cold and unresponsive even when I finally meet the Right One. Meeting the one that captures my spirit with her glaring beauty while I'm still licking my battle wound, kinda scares me a bit. So staying away becomes my default position...And it's in moments like this where I seek God's hospitality, for Him to cover my wound and show my heart how to love once again. It has been a nurturing process, which has made me look at the Beauty once more, with hope and courage that only God can bring.

Pray for me in this journey my dear Butterfingers. Your prayers and encouragements have not gone unnoticed.

Yours Affectionate Brother In Arms,

Ringtale, The Guy Who Plays A Certain Instrument


  1. Wow, this is really beautiful :)

  2. I thank God for these writings. From the first letter until now there has been so much wisdom and a great lesson that God has been wanting to teach. No only to young men but also to young ladies. We have youth on our side let us never let patience leave our side. GOD HAS A PLAN
