The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Ringtale Note....IV

My dear Butterfingers,

I thought it best to write to you again in order to have some sort of accountability going. If i remember correctly, last time we spoke I told you about the breakdown of my friendship with the lady friend my heart was warming up to last year. I must say it gives a sense of warmth to inform that we have managed to settle our differences and our friendship is starting to become healthy again. Throughout all this toil my Butterfingers, I've learnt valuable lessons, and the most important one has been patience. Patient with God and patient with the people I've invited to be part of my life. And as I reflect on all my likes, the saying that 'men have an infinite capacity to like' has been evident. I know you were very excited to hear about my last 'like', but it was not to be. Although we might have felt strongly about it, it seems God had other plans, and it's better to always follow God's plan even when the heart disagrees cause He always has the best for us. 
The journey has been difficult though I must say, and as much as it has been hard to wait, but I must. This season of single-hood is a gift I must cherish, and it's a time I must spend with God. 

I will write to you again shortly to keep you updated. Please send my regards to the First Lady, your company and her cooking is well missed my friend. 

Keep well, and remember Patience Is A Virtue.

Your Brother In Arms,
Ringtale, The Guy Who Plays A Certain Instrument.

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