In modern times, Men (both male and female) have been commonly referred to as an animal, by scientist, biologists and the like. That is, Men is purely an animal in nature and lacks a spiritual nature. Therefore, if a man acts or thinks wildly, is should then be accepted that he is acting according to his nature. It should be accredited to him the right to his vile deeds, for an animal has no option but to be an animal. If we are to give human beings the unit and simplicity of an animal, then jungle law must serve as our moral basis, and the consequences thereafter accepted as good intent. Just as a lion kills another for more territory and still walks freely and unjudged the next day, so should a man who murders his brother over an estate. But that’s not how things work, in practicality when a man kills another (only responding to his wild instincts as according to Animalism), he is considered inhuman and is segregated from the rest of society and is stripped of his freedom.
Furthermore, if we are really serious about giving humans the animal tag, then prostitutes will be most fair creature in our society. To illustrate my point I’ll use a chicken analogy. Consider a rooster, he is a ranger who likes exploring, so everywhere he finds himself, there he will find his mate for the day. Now all roosters exhibit the behavior, this means that one hen may probably encounter two or more roosters in the same day desiring the gratification of their sexual pleasures. The hen being a generous creature that it is, gives pleasure to whoever catches up. After all this, chickens continue with their lives just like any other day, and no one whispers in dark corners how immoral the hen or rooster was. To chickens marriage would be seen as hideousness. And I think we as humans have given ourselves the animal tag just so that we can justify our immoral behaviors. For instance, most people think abortion is wrong, but we still endorse it and in turn we hide behind RIGHTS. No thinks of having an affair is a moral goodness our communities should endorse, but we still think it is good to be promiscuous, just as long as you don’t get caught. Clearly, if we adhere to this doctrine of animalism we a have adopted, then we have to find our moral basis from the rest of the animals, i.e. men is without divine purpose.
Men and animals are not created the same. Men bares the image of God, he is spirit, has a soul and lives in a body, and basically God is the foundation of men. Therefore, for men to be morally good or correct, he must first surrender to the desires of the spirit (which is always longing to worship its Make), because surrendering to the desires of the flesh renders us as being the same as animals.
Men is not essentially good in his own nature, but it is the grace of God that brings about the goodness that lies in men.
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Chicken Theory
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