The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The meaning to it all

They say you can never find your purpose in life until you find the meaning to life.

It's been day since I've been on this rage, dazzling in the cluster of cunfusion, confused by life's sacred acts. My heart is now weary, my soul scared and left murmuring, and my mind wonders; would I see the morning after this darkness? I find that in life there comes a time where your heart longs for a meaning. I've reached that breaking point. What is the meaning to life? Where would I search for my point of reference? I keep wrestle with these questions everyday. I watch by my window the sun as it rises from the east setting from the west, purposefully. Clearly, it's creation was by design, there is no mistake in it's existence. What about me as a human? Where can I find my meaning and fulfilment? My pain is deep and no pleasure has gave me satisfaction, but it has only widen the scourge in soul.  After plundering my youth with every 'fun and joyous' activities I've found that pleasure can only be a means not an end. Nothing I do can fill this longing for find identity and meaning.Meaninglessness never comes from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure. No philosophy and reasoning can comfort me now, my mind may understand, but my soul yearns for something more. So where do longing heart turn? What or who would define and justify my life? Do I create my own destiny? If so then how, and where would I get infinite knowledge and wisdom to do so? Or does my identity lie in Jesus Christ? If not in Him, then where..?

All over there world you see people everyday trying to find the meaning to life. The truth is that the meaning to life cannot be justified by the things that we do, but the things that we do are justified by our identity. And our identity can only be found in the one who created you. In his image we are all made, and He is the only perpetual novelty, nothing can fulfil us except Him. No humanist theory or atheist views can give you meaning and purpose, it only tells you that you meaning is insignificant and meaningless, now that's comforting...

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Journal of Surrender, 12BC

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