The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Problem With Pain

When the music stops, sorrow takes its toll. when the day fades away, the night creeps in. When the warm daytime air makes way for the cold evening breeze, when the conversations die and loneliness sneaks in, the heart screams in anguish, eating joy for dinner with a fork and knife, intoxicating itself with a glass of pain and sorrow through emotions and feelings which hitherto the hurts of the day.

The problem of pain haunts every being everywhere around the world. There is no hiding from pain. You see it everyday, the young and the old being demoralised by the taunting sceptre of pain. But the problem with pain is that most of the time it hides itself in the faults of man and in the 'absence' of God. Meaning, it's easy for you to remain in sorrow just so that you can hold a grudge against someone. And we are very quick to pass the blame for the pain we suffer. For instance, once we realise our incapability's as individuals, that we can't control each and every aspect of our lives, we blame God for letting us suffer pain, and we also blame our fellow man for being wicked (for we, ourselves, are blinded of our own wickedness). The inner problem of pain is that it blinds us to thinking that we must have a claim against the people who have done us wrong. But what happens when we think like that, is that every time we are reminded of those people who have caused us suffering, the pain they caused re-surfaces all over again and as a result, our hearts never really get healed. We become bound by the shackles of bondage because we refuse freedom by not forgiving and letting go of individuals who do nothing except inflict pain into our lives. It is not our place to judge and seek retribution, but rest assured, no debt goes unpaid.

As an individual, you have to learn to forgive yourself first and also forgive others in order to be free from the problem of pain, and let the grace of God usher you into a joyous state of heart. In conclusion, sometimes we suffer pain so that we may receive a joy that surpasses all understanding. It is also said that, without pain there is no gain (now, by that I don't mean for you to go around looking for painful experiences like a foolish person, be wise in your dealings). But this is what I mean, for examples, a woman when giving birth, she suffers excruciating pain that no man can withstand, but the joy that a newly born brings to her life, is greater than the pain she suffered. My closing words are; even if we may suffer pain, but the extent and the depth to which it is intensified is of our own choosing. Therefore, "let go and let God".

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Morning After

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two Little Mice, The bucket And The Cream

Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. And discovering that the cream was dragging them underneath, one quickly gave and drowned. The other one paddled so hard, that it finally turned that cream into butter and it walked out.

Now for easy articulation, let's call the first mouse Tom and the second mouse Jerry. The cream, in this case symbolises pleasure or anything that looks good and pleasing to the eyes (also note, cream in itself brings joy to the taste buds).Tom in this story portrays a character that most of us have when we fall into success or find ourselves deep in the gratification of our desires. What Tom didn't anticipate, is that you can actually drown in pleasure and as a result lose your dignified self. Death became of him, not because he did any wrong, but because he pursued and consumed too much pleasure that when it overwhelmed him, he did not have the stomach to stand and absorb the consequences.This is what most us do in life. We endlessly pursue our lot, but when it's too much for us to handle we give in to power of pleasure. Thereby, we end up losing our selves, our identity and dignity. For instance, how many dignified individual you know these days? Our characters have suffered a painful death in the hands of pleasure.

Now let's turn to Jerry (the one that survived). Jerry is an ideal chap, he refused to be consumed by death in the hands of pleasure. One thing that one must understand though, is that in life we are not guaranteed a smooth ride and you'll always come across difficulties. Now it's what you do with those intricacies that determines your fate. Whether in crisis or in pleasure, you will always come across some painful experience or a downturn of some sought. Unlike Tom, Jerry fought his way out and finally turned a difficult situation into a stepping stone, and he came out a better lad, more determined and more stronger. Furthermore, I hope he learned his lesson, never go near illusive pleasures.Troubles are nothing but only platforms where we get moulded into better individuals for our betterment tomorrow. The question though you should be asking yourself is; which 'mouse' are you going to be? Tom or Jerry.......?
Also, keep in mind that pleasure can only be a means not an end, God is the perpetual novelty

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Mouse You Could Be

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The meaning to it all

They say you can never find your purpose in life until you find the meaning to life.

It's been day since I've been on this rage, dazzling in the cluster of cunfusion, confused by life's sacred acts. My heart is now weary, my soul scared and left murmuring, and my mind wonders; would I see the morning after this darkness? I find that in life there comes a time where your heart longs for a meaning. I've reached that breaking point. What is the meaning to life? Where would I search for my point of reference? I keep wrestle with these questions everyday. I watch by my window the sun as it rises from the east setting from the west, purposefully. Clearly, it's creation was by design, there is no mistake in it's existence. What about me as a human? Where can I find my meaning and fulfilment? My pain is deep and no pleasure has gave me satisfaction, but it has only widen the scourge in soul.  After plundering my youth with every 'fun and joyous' activities I've found that pleasure can only be a means not an end. Nothing I do can fill this longing for find identity and meaning.Meaninglessness never comes from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure. No philosophy and reasoning can comfort me now, my mind may understand, but my soul yearns for something more. So where do longing heart turn? What or who would define and justify my life? Do I create my own destiny? If so then how, and where would I get infinite knowledge and wisdom to do so? Or does my identity lie in Jesus Christ? If not in Him, then where..?

All over there world you see people everyday trying to find the meaning to life. The truth is that the meaning to life cannot be justified by the things that we do, but the things that we do are justified by our identity. And our identity can only be found in the one who created you. In his image we are all made, and He is the only perpetual novelty, nothing can fulfil us except Him. No humanist theory or atheist views can give you meaning and purpose, it only tells you that you meaning is insignificant and meaningless, now that's comforting...

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Journal of Surrender, 12BC

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Revamp Music

Back in the olden days hypnosis used to be a very long boring process, but today it's only a click of a button away. For instance, probably when you hear the word hypnosis, you may picture the unappealing mysterious hypnotist figure popularised in movies and television. This ominous, demented old lady wearing saggy clothes that lives in an underground basement, who waves a pocket watch back and forth guiding her subject into a zombie-like state. Once the subject is hypnotised, she compels it to obey, no matter how hideous or immoral the request. But in actual fact, the real world hypnotist culprit stands behind the microphone in the comfort of his record studio, while his vulgarizing massage is being spread across to every listener. Music is a major modern day hypnotic tool. You read newspapers and find stories of how a youth lost control because of the song which was leading his emotions to a demented state. Popular rock, hip hop and R'nB artists have grabbed this hypnosis tool by the throat, as they continue to influence the common youth to their belief systems as artists. The lyrics of the songs sang by these artists becomes a religion and a philosophy of life for us as the youth. With continual meditation (constant listening), comes the renewing of the mind to a zombie-like state of reaction.

Here is an example of these lyrics I'm talking about; Metallica sings, "I have lost the will to live,/Simply nothing more to give/There is nothing more for me/need the end to set me free." Elton John, sings, "Think I'll buy a forty-four/Give 'em all a surprise/Think I'm gonna kill myself,/Cause a little suicide." While Ozzy Osbourne sing in the Suicide Solution: "Evil thoughts and evil doings/Cold, alone, you hang in ruins/Thought that you'd escape the reaper/You can't escape the Master Keeper/ . . . /Where to hide, suicide is the only way out." And Jay Z in D'Evils says; "...That's right it's wicked, that's life I live it/ Ain't askin' for forgiveness for my sins, endz /I break bread with the late heads, picking their brains for angles on/ all the evils that the game'll do/ It gets dangerous, money and power is changing us/ And now we're lethal, infected with D'Evils..." Also in Run This Town, he sings; "...It's the return of thee God (here, he is referring to himself)/ Peace God.../ (Auh! Auh! )/ And ain't nobody fresher/ I'm in Mason..." And bare in mind that these are songs which the youth listens to everyday.

In the book "the psychology of music", Dr Schoen says; "music is the most powerful stimulus known among the perceptive process". And according to the National Education Association (USA), "teenage suicides are linked to depressions fuelled by fatalistic music and lyrics". The severe truth is that the brain has no defence against music, whether you're listening or not, the subconscious mind is influenced. This, thus then poses a moria of questions; are we aware of the of the philosophies of life we are unconsciously teaching young minds? Are we willing to groom a Gothic, promiscuous and immoral generation based on the scrolls of lost prophets? Must not lamps have to be lit in the morning hours? Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the grave diggers who are barring young minds? Who ever shall be born after us because of this toxic brainwash shall become part of a different history than all history hitherto. Rock, Hip Hop and R'nB have put a dent on the psychological state of young minds, and no water or festivals of atonement can purify us, but only the injection of positive influence can be our hope.

In conclusion, Dr Howard Hanson, a director of Eastman School of Music said; "music is made up of many ingredients and according to the proportions of those components, it can be soothing or invigorating, ennobling or vulgarizing, it has the power for evil as well as for good". Let us use the our art for positive influence.

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Redemption of the Arts