I’m finally home…it’s been almost over a year since I was here and it’s only now that I realize how much I actually missed home. I think when you’re out there in the world making benevolent attempts to ascend in the echelons of life, one hardly thinks of the people living there, except for the ‘hey, you’re still alive’ irregular phone calls, the check-ups to satisfy the heart that you still care. I guess it’s only when you’re about to journey home that the anticipation really takes its toll and overwhelms you to a point of no return.
I wonder though, if this is how a person of age feels when he can hear the ringing bells of the pearly gates announcing the nearing of his return home…well, it seems I will remain in wonder until I’m also of age. No young lad wishes to go home while they are still vibrant and fresh. One only gets time to make phone calls to inform the Father where he is in his life at that moment, and if he feels he is still on God’s good side, he then disappears for another couple of months. But when we’ve ran our course, when our souls are tired and weary, when our bodies have become saggy and can barely fight the wrinkles and pain, and when we’ve become indebted to anti-ageing creams. It is only then that we really think of coming back home to the Father who still loves us even in our rebellion…but at what cost?
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, Home is where the heart is
The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Just making conversation...
These days people say 'simplicity is the new complexity', and I totally agree with that notion. Simple everyday conversations nowadays have turned into avenues of blood splattered by life philosophies gone wrong. You ask Mrs Balls, for instance, 'how she is doing', and in her response she fades into a paradigm shift of injustices done to her and like smoke colliding with the clouds, she brings about a fuzzy rainfall of self justification, and being the better person that she is, she ends by giving you a smile as her farewell gift, and by asking you the same question with the hope that by now you've teleported to her world so you could cushion each other in your state of misery or in your now unsung pleasures.
Put your ear closer to rear subwoofer of simple everyday conversations and you will hear the roaring screams of complexity embedded in the footsteps of our everyday walk of life. Sometimes these screams can be so loud that they can overshadow the voice of God in our lives, by stealing our your understanding and wisdom and replacing it with third hand shoe laces which are supposed to form the tying not of life but they break as soon as circumstances changed. And when you pause this dejavu playlist of misconcepted theories, you get the comment 'I'm just making conversation' or 'I'm just picking your brain', which, obviously, after the conversation, leaves you absent from your right mind.
We must then, at all times, make Christ the foundation of our daily arguments and conversations no matter the topic, so as to remain in His sanity.
A wiseman once told a close friend of mine that 'these days one must carry an umbrella to protect himselves, because it's raining lemon coated lies and blasphemies in attempts to steal our mind.'
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Simple Factor
Put your ear closer to rear subwoofer of simple everyday conversations and you will hear the roaring screams of complexity embedded in the footsteps of our everyday walk of life. Sometimes these screams can be so loud that they can overshadow the voice of God in our lives, by stealing our your understanding and wisdom and replacing it with third hand shoe laces which are supposed to form the tying not of life but they break as soon as circumstances changed. And when you pause this dejavu playlist of misconcepted theories, you get the comment 'I'm just making conversation' or 'I'm just picking your brain', which, obviously, after the conversation, leaves you absent from your right mind.
We must then, at all times, make Christ the foundation of our daily arguments and conversations no matter the topic, so as to remain in His sanity.
A wiseman once told a close friend of mine that 'these days one must carry an umbrella to protect himselves, because it's raining lemon coated lies and blasphemies in attempts to steal our mind.'
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Simple Factor
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Fantastic Voyage
It is said that life is a journey, so wonderfully crafted yet so unpredictable in its intricacy. In fact, it takes after the ocean in its built, filled with twists and turns and sometimes it feels as if we don't have control of our surf boards, we just move with the wave. Perhaps we are not meant to have control. I mean, imagine we it would be like if we had absolute control of our lives...most of us would be very successful in the construction of our own demise. Isn't it beautiful how God does it though, he gives us the ocean to conquer with nothing but navigation tools and directions to our end destination. The only time we get a chance to review the script its after the journey. I think that's what makes life such a fantastic voyage, the fact that you don't know what to expect but you take comfort in that God is the one in control and He is our end destination. As much as no journey is a smooth ride, what keeps us constant in our embarkment is faith in Him. Even though our faith ship might not seem to be as glamorous as the titanic, but has been tried and tested while the titanic now remains sunk. Luxurious cruisers that are unauthorised by God may look appealing from the shore, but they can't handle the weight of life, after the storm they're reduced to rubble. Life without God is not worth living!
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, Life As He Planed It
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, Life As He Planed It
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Ahh...But Your Land Is Beautiful!
From the carefully crafted valleys of the Nile, to the subliminal waterfalls of Zambezi as she takes a bow before the majesty of Victoria, the great landmark of Zimbabwe. From the valley of a thousand hills, from the Drankensburg to the tip of Africa in Kilimanjaro, and to the ever growing Mount Everest. From the Grand Canyon and the Kalahari desert to the deep fortress of the amazon. Ah...but your land is beautiful! When you look at nature, what conclusions does it sparkly in your mind? It is by mistake that the universe turned out so beautifully and perfectly? I mean; when you look at creation, you can't help but think of the majesty of the one who created it, God. For instance, have you ever taken an early morning walk, purely for the pleasure of the walk not as an exercise? Where you feel the morning breeze caress your body, the trees waving at the new day, swaying from side to side, singing a hymn of calmness for the morning dew. The birds join in with sweet melodies saying 'hi' to the sunrise. And at the first gleam of dawn, the song reaches an end on a high note, as it wakes the flowers for stage appreciation to the director of music. Everyone in the choir striking their chords with perfect precision.
Now consider how the earth makes calls to the heavens for rain. The soil, in quenching its thirst, drinks up the moisture on the ground and then releases water vapour as incense offering to the sun through smoke signals sent via the air telepathic waves. The sun thus calls a meeting with the assemble of rain clouds, and scattered rainfalls be the main topic on the agenda. But suddenly, the crew of dark clouds crashes the party, accompanied by its two bodyguards, thunder and lightning. While down on earth's surface, all creation hides from the coming torrential rain. Peace is only restored when the shining beam of the sun finally overcomes thunder and lightning, sending the crew of dark clouds on the run for their money. Once again, after days of being cocooned indoors, everyone comes out to play. And when you look outside your window, you see human gatherings, still trying to find out what does it mean to be human. On the other side, you see dogs gathering on parks, coming together to enjoy their dogginess. It's so wonderful how every creature in creation (except one) is content about its being, it's so baffling.
It's amazing how, when nature goes through its usual mood swings, all creation responds in perfect correlation. All this though, shows the magnificence of creation because of its creator, God. In all, when you look at the intelligent design of creation, it can only point you towards one thing, God is holy, intricately beautiful, powerful and magnificent.
"Ahhh, your land is so beautiful...but it can never come close to your beauty."
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Beauty Of God In Creation
Now consider how the earth makes calls to the heavens for rain. The soil, in quenching its thirst, drinks up the moisture on the ground and then releases water vapour as incense offering to the sun through smoke signals sent via the air telepathic waves. The sun thus calls a meeting with the assemble of rain clouds, and scattered rainfalls be the main topic on the agenda. But suddenly, the crew of dark clouds crashes the party, accompanied by its two bodyguards, thunder and lightning. While down on earth's surface, all creation hides from the coming torrential rain. Peace is only restored when the shining beam of the sun finally overcomes thunder and lightning, sending the crew of dark clouds on the run for their money. Once again, after days of being cocooned indoors, everyone comes out to play. And when you look outside your window, you see human gatherings, still trying to find out what does it mean to be human. On the other side, you see dogs gathering on parks, coming together to enjoy their dogginess. It's so wonderful how every creature in creation (except one) is content about its being, it's so baffling.
It's amazing how, when nature goes through its usual mood swings, all creation responds in perfect correlation. All this though, shows the magnificence of creation because of its creator, God. In all, when you look at the intelligent design of creation, it can only point you towards one thing, God is holy, intricately beautiful, powerful and magnificent.
"Ahhh, your land is so beautiful...but it can never come close to your beauty."
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Beauty Of God In Creation
Friday, October 29, 2010
The Problem With Pain
When the music stops, sorrow takes its toll. when the day fades away, the night creeps in. When the warm daytime air makes way for the cold evening breeze, when the conversations die and loneliness sneaks in, the heart screams in anguish, eating joy for dinner with a fork and knife, intoxicating itself with a glass of pain and sorrow through emotions and feelings which hitherto the hurts of the day.
The problem of pain haunts every being everywhere around the world. There is no hiding from pain. You see it everyday, the young and the old being demoralised by the taunting sceptre of pain. But the problem with pain is that most of the time it hides itself in the faults of man and in the 'absence' of God. Meaning, it's easy for you to remain in sorrow just so that you can hold a grudge against someone. And we are very quick to pass the blame for the pain we suffer. For instance, once we realise our incapability's as individuals, that we can't control each and every aspect of our lives, we blame God for letting us suffer pain, and we also blame our fellow man for being wicked (for we, ourselves, are blinded of our own wickedness). The inner problem of pain is that it blinds us to thinking that we must have a claim against the people who have done us wrong. But what happens when we think like that, is that every time we are reminded of those people who have caused us suffering, the pain they caused re-surfaces all over again and as a result, our hearts never really get healed. We become bound by the shackles of bondage because we refuse freedom by not forgiving and letting go of individuals who do nothing except inflict pain into our lives. It is not our place to judge and seek retribution, but rest assured, no debt goes unpaid.
As an individual, you have to learn to forgive yourself first and also forgive others in order to be free from the problem of pain, and let the grace of God usher you into a joyous state of heart. In conclusion, sometimes we suffer pain so that we may receive a joy that surpasses all understanding. It is also said that, without pain there is no gain (now, by that I don't mean for you to go around looking for painful experiences like a foolish person, be wise in your dealings). But this is what I mean, for examples, a woman when giving birth, she suffers excruciating pain that no man can withstand, but the joy that a newly born brings to her life, is greater than the pain she suffered. My closing words are; even if we may suffer pain, but the extent and the depth to which it is intensified is of our own choosing. Therefore, "let go and let God".
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Morning After
The problem of pain haunts every being everywhere around the world. There is no hiding from pain. You see it everyday, the young and the old being demoralised by the taunting sceptre of pain. But the problem with pain is that most of the time it hides itself in the faults of man and in the 'absence' of God. Meaning, it's easy for you to remain in sorrow just so that you can hold a grudge against someone. And we are very quick to pass the blame for the pain we suffer. For instance, once we realise our incapability's as individuals, that we can't control each and every aspect of our lives, we blame God for letting us suffer pain, and we also blame our fellow man for being wicked (for we, ourselves, are blinded of our own wickedness). The inner problem of pain is that it blinds us to thinking that we must have a claim against the people who have done us wrong. But what happens when we think like that, is that every time we are reminded of those people who have caused us suffering, the pain they caused re-surfaces all over again and as a result, our hearts never really get healed. We become bound by the shackles of bondage because we refuse freedom by not forgiving and letting go of individuals who do nothing except inflict pain into our lives. It is not our place to judge and seek retribution, but rest assured, no debt goes unpaid.
As an individual, you have to learn to forgive yourself first and also forgive others in order to be free from the problem of pain, and let the grace of God usher you into a joyous state of heart. In conclusion, sometimes we suffer pain so that we may receive a joy that surpasses all understanding. It is also said that, without pain there is no gain (now, by that I don't mean for you to go around looking for painful experiences like a foolish person, be wise in your dealings). But this is what I mean, for examples, a woman when giving birth, she suffers excruciating pain that no man can withstand, but the joy that a newly born brings to her life, is greater than the pain she suffered. My closing words are; even if we may suffer pain, but the extent and the depth to which it is intensified is of our own choosing. Therefore, "let go and let God".
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Morning After
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Two Little Mice, The bucket And The Cream
Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. And discovering that the cream was dragging them underneath, one quickly gave and drowned. The other one paddled so hard, that it finally turned that cream into butter and it walked out.
Now for easy articulation, let's call the first mouse Tom and the second mouse Jerry. The cream, in this case symbolises pleasure or anything that looks good and pleasing to the eyes (also note, cream in itself brings joy to the taste buds).Tom in this story portrays a character that most of us have when we fall into success or find ourselves deep in the gratification of our desires. What Tom didn't anticipate, is that you can actually drown in pleasure and as a result lose your dignified self. Death became of him, not because he did any wrong, but because he pursued and consumed too much pleasure that when it overwhelmed him, he did not have the stomach to stand and absorb the consequences.This is what most us do in life. We endlessly pursue our lot, but when it's too much for us to handle we give in to power of pleasure. Thereby, we end up losing our selves, our identity and dignity. For instance, how many dignified individual you know these days? Our characters have suffered a painful death in the hands of pleasure.
Now let's turn to Jerry (the one that survived). Jerry is an ideal chap, he refused to be consumed by death in the hands of pleasure. One thing that one must understand though, is that in life we are not guaranteed a smooth ride and you'll always come across difficulties. Now it's what you do with those intricacies that determines your fate. Whether in crisis or in pleasure, you will always come across some painful experience or a downturn of some sought. Unlike Tom, Jerry fought his way out and finally turned a difficult situation into a stepping stone, and he came out a better lad, more determined and more stronger. Furthermore, I hope he learned his lesson, never go near illusive pleasures.Troubles are nothing but only platforms where we get moulded into better individuals for our betterment tomorrow. The question though you should be asking yourself is; which 'mouse' are you going to be? Tom or Jerry.......?
Also, keep in mind that pleasure can only be a means not an end, God is the perpetual novelty
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Mouse You Could Be
Now for easy articulation, let's call the first mouse Tom and the second mouse Jerry. The cream, in this case symbolises pleasure or anything that looks good and pleasing to the eyes (also note, cream in itself brings joy to the taste buds).Tom in this story portrays a character that most of us have when we fall into success or find ourselves deep in the gratification of our desires. What Tom didn't anticipate, is that you can actually drown in pleasure and as a result lose your dignified self. Death became of him, not because he did any wrong, but because he pursued and consumed too much pleasure that when it overwhelmed him, he did not have the stomach to stand and absorb the consequences.This is what most us do in life. We endlessly pursue our lot, but when it's too much for us to handle we give in to power of pleasure. Thereby, we end up losing our selves, our identity and dignity. For instance, how many dignified individual you know these days? Our characters have suffered a painful death in the hands of pleasure.
Now let's turn to Jerry (the one that survived). Jerry is an ideal chap, he refused to be consumed by death in the hands of pleasure. One thing that one must understand though, is that in life we are not guaranteed a smooth ride and you'll always come across difficulties. Now it's what you do with those intricacies that determines your fate. Whether in crisis or in pleasure, you will always come across some painful experience or a downturn of some sought. Unlike Tom, Jerry fought his way out and finally turned a difficult situation into a stepping stone, and he came out a better lad, more determined and more stronger. Furthermore, I hope he learned his lesson, never go near illusive pleasures.Troubles are nothing but only platforms where we get moulded into better individuals for our betterment tomorrow. The question though you should be asking yourself is; which 'mouse' are you going to be? Tom or Jerry.......?
Also, keep in mind that pleasure can only be a means not an end, God is the perpetual novelty
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls; The Mouse You Could Be
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The meaning to it all
They say you can never find your purpose in life until you find the meaning to life.
It's been day since I've been on this rage, dazzling in the cluster of cunfusion, confused by life's sacred acts. My heart is now weary, my soul scared and left murmuring, and my mind wonders; would I see the morning after this darkness? I find that in life there comes a time where your heart longs for a meaning. I've reached that breaking point. What is the meaning to life? Where would I search for my point of reference? I keep wrestle with these questions everyday. I watch by my window the sun as it rises from the east setting from the west, purposefully. Clearly, it's creation was by design, there is no mistake in it's existence. What about me as a human? Where can I find my meaning and fulfilment? My pain is deep and no pleasure has gave me satisfaction, but it has only widen the scourge in soul. After plundering my youth with every 'fun and joyous' activities I've found that pleasure can only be a means not an end. Nothing I do can fill this longing for find identity and meaning.Meaninglessness never comes from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure. No philosophy and reasoning can comfort me now, my mind may understand, but my soul yearns for something more. So where do longing heart turn? What or who would define and justify my life? Do I create my own destiny? If so then how, and where would I get infinite knowledge and wisdom to do so? Or does my identity lie in Jesus Christ? If not in Him, then where..?
All over there world you see people everyday trying to find the meaning to life. The truth is that the meaning to life cannot be justified by the things that we do, but the things that we do are justified by our identity. And our identity can only be found in the one who created you. In his image we are all made, and He is the only perpetual novelty, nothing can fulfil us except Him. No humanist theory or atheist views can give you meaning and purpose, it only tells you that you meaning is insignificant and meaningless, now that's comforting...
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Journal of Surrender, 12BC
It's been day since I've been on this rage, dazzling in the cluster of cunfusion, confused by life's sacred acts. My heart is now weary, my soul scared and left murmuring, and my mind wonders; would I see the morning after this darkness? I find that in life there comes a time where your heart longs for a meaning. I've reached that breaking point. What is the meaning to life? Where would I search for my point of reference? I keep wrestle with these questions everyday. I watch by my window the sun as it rises from the east setting from the west, purposefully. Clearly, it's creation was by design, there is no mistake in it's existence. What about me as a human? Where can I find my meaning and fulfilment? My pain is deep and no pleasure has gave me satisfaction, but it has only widen the scourge in soul. After plundering my youth with every 'fun and joyous' activities I've found that pleasure can only be a means not an end. Nothing I do can fill this longing for find identity and meaning.Meaninglessness never comes from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure. No philosophy and reasoning can comfort me now, my mind may understand, but my soul yearns for something more. So where do longing heart turn? What or who would define and justify my life? Do I create my own destiny? If so then how, and where would I get infinite knowledge and wisdom to do so? Or does my identity lie in Jesus Christ? If not in Him, then where..?
All over there world you see people everyday trying to find the meaning to life. The truth is that the meaning to life cannot be justified by the things that we do, but the things that we do are justified by our identity. And our identity can only be found in the one who created you. In his image we are all made, and He is the only perpetual novelty, nothing can fulfil us except Him. No humanist theory or atheist views can give you meaning and purpose, it only tells you that you meaning is insignificant and meaningless, now that's comforting...
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Journal of Surrender, 12BC
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Revamp Music
Back in the olden days hypnosis used to be a very long boring process, but today it's only a click of a button away. For instance, probably when you hear the word hypnosis, you may picture the unappealing mysterious hypnotist figure popularised in movies and television. This ominous, demented old lady wearing saggy clothes that lives in an underground basement, who waves a pocket watch back and forth guiding her subject into a zombie-like state. Once the subject is hypnotised, she compels it to obey, no matter how hideous or immoral the request. But in actual fact, the real world hypnotist culprit stands behind the microphone in the comfort of his record studio, while his vulgarizing massage is being spread across to every listener. Music is a major modern day hypnotic tool. You read newspapers and find stories of how a youth lost control because of the song which was leading his emotions to a demented state. Popular rock, hip hop and R'nB artists have grabbed this hypnosis tool by the throat, as they continue to influence the common youth to their belief systems as artists. The lyrics of the songs sang by these artists becomes a religion and a philosophy of life for us as the youth. With continual meditation (constant listening), comes the renewing of the mind to a zombie-like state of reaction.
Here is an example of these lyrics I'm talking about; Metallica sings, "I have lost the will to live,/Simply nothing more to give/There is nothing more for me/need the end to set me free." Elton John, sings, "Think I'll buy a forty-four/Give 'em all a surprise/Think I'm gonna kill myself,/Cause a little suicide." While Ozzy Osbourne sing in the Suicide Solution: "Evil thoughts and evil doings/Cold, alone, you hang in ruins/Thought that you'd escape the reaper/You can't escape the Master Keeper/ . . . /Where to hide, suicide is the only way out." And Jay Z in D'Evils says; "...That's right it's wicked, that's life I live it/ Ain't askin' for forgiveness for my sins, endz /I break bread with the late heads, picking their brains for angles on/ all the evils that the game'll do/ It gets dangerous, money and power is changing us/ And now we're lethal, infected with D'Evils..." Also in Run This Town, he sings; "...It's the return of thee God (here, he is referring to himself)/ Peace God.../ (Auh! Auh! )/ And ain't nobody fresher/ I'm in Mason..." And bare in mind that these are songs which the youth listens to everyday.
In the book "the psychology of music", Dr Schoen says; "music is the most powerful stimulus known among the perceptive process". And according to the National Education Association (USA), "teenage suicides are linked to depressions fuelled by fatalistic music and lyrics". The severe truth is that the brain has no defence against music, whether you're listening or not, the subconscious mind is influenced. This, thus then poses a moria of questions; are we aware of the of the philosophies of life we are unconsciously teaching young minds? Are we willing to groom a Gothic, promiscuous and immoral generation based on the scrolls of lost prophets? Must not lamps have to be lit in the morning hours? Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the grave diggers who are barring young minds? Who ever shall be born after us because of this toxic brainwash shall become part of a different history than all history hitherto. Rock, Hip Hop and R'nB have put a dent on the psychological state of young minds, and no water or festivals of atonement can purify us, but only the injection of positive influence can be our hope.
In conclusion, Dr Howard Hanson, a director of Eastman School of Music said; "music is made up of many ingredients and according to the proportions of those components, it can be soothing or invigorating, ennobling or vulgarizing, it has the power for evil as well as for good". Let us use the our art for positive influence.
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Redemption of the Arts
Here is an example of these lyrics I'm talking about; Metallica sings, "I have lost the will to live,/Simply nothing more to give/There is nothing more for me/need the end to set me free." Elton John, sings, "Think I'll buy a forty-four/Give 'em all a surprise/Think I'm gonna kill myself,/Cause a little suicide." While Ozzy Osbourne sing in the Suicide Solution: "Evil thoughts and evil doings/Cold, alone, you hang in ruins/Thought that you'd escape the reaper/You can't escape the Master Keeper/ . . . /Where to hide, suicide is the only way out." And Jay Z in D'Evils says; "...That's right it's wicked, that's life I live it/ Ain't askin' for forgiveness for my sins, endz /I break bread with the late heads, picking their brains for angles on/ all the evils that the game'll do/ It gets dangerous, money and power is changing us/ And now we're lethal, infected with D'Evils..." Also in Run This Town, he sings; "...It's the return of thee God (here, he is referring to himself)/ Peace God.../ (Auh! Auh! )/ And ain't nobody fresher/ I'm in Mason..." And bare in mind that these are songs which the youth listens to everyday.
In the book "the psychology of music", Dr Schoen says; "music is the most powerful stimulus known among the perceptive process". And according to the National Education Association (USA), "teenage suicides are linked to depressions fuelled by fatalistic music and lyrics". The severe truth is that the brain has no defence against music, whether you're listening or not, the subconscious mind is influenced. This, thus then poses a moria of questions; are we aware of the of the philosophies of life we are unconsciously teaching young minds? Are we willing to groom a Gothic, promiscuous and immoral generation based on the scrolls of lost prophets? Must not lamps have to be lit in the morning hours? Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the grave diggers who are barring young minds? Who ever shall be born after us because of this toxic brainwash shall become part of a different history than all history hitherto. Rock, Hip Hop and R'nB have put a dent on the psychological state of young minds, and no water or festivals of atonement can purify us, but only the injection of positive influence can be our hope.
In conclusion, Dr Howard Hanson, a director of Eastman School of Music said; "music is made up of many ingredients and according to the proportions of those components, it can be soothing or invigorating, ennobling or vulgarizing, it has the power for evil as well as for good". Let us use the our art for positive influence.
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Redemption of the Arts
Sunday, September 26, 2010
For Men, Joy is a Lady
I was paging through a newspaper this other time, reading on current issues affecting our communities at large. As I was going through this paper, I came across and advertisement, there was a luxurious car being advertised, with all its wonderful features explained in details, and it had very hefty price tag. But what baffled me the most was the half-naked lady leaning on the hood. The advertisement had no relevance whatsoever to the lady, but still there she was showing off her cleavage with a very hypnotic smile. It struck me how we have turned women into objects of enticement. You hear young talking about how they strive for success so that they can have more female sexual counterparts. For men, women have became their drive, nothing motivates a man than a woman. One thing that most marketers say is that, "sex sells." You see this in most adverts, whether it's on television or on newspapers or brochures, even when the event or item being advertised has no relevance to the lady on the picture, but still, she is the first thing you see.
What amazes me the most is that even in institutions of higher learning ( who are supposed to esteem the standard of women), you find posters of strip shows and seduction sessions all over the place. But having such events in an institution of higher learning is contrary to the upliftment of women (which universities are supposed to promote), for such events in themselves are very demeaning or rather reduce the morally accepted image of women.
It we, then, as society accept such distorted views of the role of women in a general sense, what will we teach our youth? That it's okay to be used as objects of enticement? Which moral standard will we raise them up with? What sponge will we use to wipe away this entire predicament? If we ourselves drink from this intoxication, how will we keep them sober if we are also drunk? Where is the world moving now? Where are we moving now? Away from all moral laws and purity maybe? Are we not perpetually falling backwards and forwards and side wards in all direction digging a sink hole for our children? Do we not hear the cries of lost souls drowning in the pool of illusive pleasures? Will we blame our children for falling victims to such sexual infidelities if we ourselves condone them now?
What does this say about us as society? Aren't we hypocrites? We warn young kids against such immortal behaviours, yet we turn back and advertise the same behaviour we claim to 'disapprove'.
One can only wonder.......where are we heading to?
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Abolition of moral standards (26-09-2010)
What amazes me the most is that even in institutions of higher learning ( who are supposed to esteem the standard of women), you find posters of strip shows and seduction sessions all over the place. But having such events in an institution of higher learning is contrary to the upliftment of women (which universities are supposed to promote), for such events in themselves are very demeaning or rather reduce the morally accepted image of women.
It we, then, as society accept such distorted views of the role of women in a general sense, what will we teach our youth? That it's okay to be used as objects of enticement? Which moral standard will we raise them up with? What sponge will we use to wipe away this entire predicament? If we ourselves drink from this intoxication, how will we keep them sober if we are also drunk? Where is the world moving now? Where are we moving now? Away from all moral laws and purity maybe? Are we not perpetually falling backwards and forwards and side wards in all direction digging a sink hole for our children? Do we not hear the cries of lost souls drowning in the pool of illusive pleasures? Will we blame our children for falling victims to such sexual infidelities if we ourselves condone them now?
What does this say about us as society? Aren't we hypocrites? We warn young kids against such immortal behaviours, yet we turn back and advertise the same behaviour we claim to 'disapprove'.
One can only wonder.......where are we heading to?
Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, The Abolition of moral standards (26-09-2010)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday Night Blues...Poetry
In the distant quite glance of the night starring into the sun, caressing dawn. It sneaked out of my brain cupboard as a blading thorn of weed rooted stubbornly in the indigenous palace of thought. It seized me for a moment and gave me a taste of torment, left my mind dazzling in a daze, escalating out of pace, searching for a place where my heart will beat with God's own scintillating pace. Longing to hear His voice once or maybe for the third time in this solitude stance clustered by dreams and visions of two legged goats eating ice-creams on silver platters made from the Lamb. I could swear that It's blood has been spilled through this ink in my pen everytime i write in vanity, comnmemorating the path of dead heroes. From the unglorious days of poets in green trees, painting pictures of the asbtracted, to taking the pen of wisdom form the brain of the Word to write a passage to the kingdom, I've journeyed through the bush ambushes of the unspirited to once again hear His voice say "You're now home, and thats by grace not by chance".....indeed, poerty to God has been a wonderful journey..............Sources: Life Scrollz, 23 August 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Culinary Art...the first bite

Chopping and slicing, stirring, turning up the heat, back to chopping vegitables as they grace the chopping board with their nutritionious juices, sliced to tiny pieces for perfect steaming and simmering. And a reward for my wonderful labour, a sensetional smell materialises from the cooking cabinet of heated mixation, which is greeted my by a smile as it tickles my nostrils igniting my teste buds, the joy of cooking fully realised.
The truth is that when I was growing up i never used to like cooking, of course I already knew how to cook because I was the only kid staying with my mom. But back then the art cooking to me was unenjoyable, I use to take it as forced labour that can only be maintained or endured by women because they have such strong statutes. This mentality stuck on me throughout my high school years, then came the biggest challenge, varsity life. At first, having to cook daily was not ideal at all, and as a result I would perform undesirable culinary acts. That all changed when I stepped on the humble groungs of the valley of wisdom - His People Church(Westvillage).
As took a sip of the cup of wisdom form this valley, I received a new ignited passion for this art. Over the years, drinking from this valley has taught me that an impressive man is impressive on all the spheres of his life. And being a man of God and all, you know how impressive David, Solomon and Jesus Christ were impressive on other they did besides their ministries. I would admit though, it hasn't been a walk in the park, finding and learning recipes, from bad food days to good food days, getting it wrong on first attempts to getting it right. Truly, cooking is an art, it takes correct pricition, intuition and good imagination. The only problem is that men take cooking as a boring uncool task, but it's more than that. Painting such portraits of fine exquisite taste can really change your world and even draw you close to ur wife or future wife in my case. Who knows probably this could be new hobby. I know, for one, that I've discouvered intimacy with God on the cooking table......on this day of the 17th of July 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
The great awakening part 1

I have been taunted in sleep by nightmares, the constant groaning of my engiush. as I have, over the years, been engraving myself to the pride of my giftings. I take a pencil trying to draw a map of where i could possible find myself, but i keep ending up near a refuse bin, oh how my gifts have led me astray. The me cannot be found in these spaces i seek, empty spaces of galloping courpes trying to get pass life with golden shavols digging mortal graves; the pride and greed that have laid them to waste.
Blinded by these illusions of 'the money makes the world go around', corporate creaps administer justice the way they see fit, while the "ungifted" sits in ignorance pushing for bed and breakfast. Most people never used their gift, while mine has led me on a search beyond these cemetries that bury our mind in confusion; 'it' another government dilema, but what did Malema say'. I pay my way to recognition with silver coins that crucified the Messiah to the grim reaper to ' please ease your foot off the gas of combustion', while pop-in another idea to parliamental law of legalising prostitution "we will call it sex work". Atleast one works his way to the flames. But as the reaper continues drilling deep in our hearts with claws of his steam for new civilised destruction ideas, souls get lost in the heat of the moment.
Man's own righteousness feeding of his own soul, a moul that leave our souls empty of self yet filled with a gifted mind, a vassel that fades away slowly like smoke as a captured image on tombstones of "well-lived-lives". As we 'Rest In Peace......
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