The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

...For those like us who reason...

I've always wondered why university student lack the understanding of simple logic principles. But perhaps this lack of understanding might be attributed to the education system we've been fortunate enough to receive in the classroom. We are never thought how to reason, it's assumed that we already can, so as a result we are well informed about a lot of stuff but we still can't tell what's wrong and what's right. Our lives are contradictory, we believe one thing yet we do the opposite. We all know good moral are what we desire from the people we meet, but they become judgemental if they require the same from us. Good people are considered boring and stuck up, and we run after the funky and cool, but when they hurt us we still complain. We shoot ourselves in the foot and get shock when we find out that it painful. It's simple logic really, if looks like dog, walks like a dog, acts and back like a dog, it probably is a dog! You don't need to dissect it or take DNA tests to find that out.

And then there are those who live incoherent lives and yet expect the answers to reality and their circumstances to be coherent. Then they claim life it doesn't, if it did we would all be swallowed up into oblivion. We always want the laws of life set by God to fit our own situations. God had a will and purpose for us, and unless we find our meaning in the person of Jesus Christ, our lives will always be a contradiction. True logic comes when we have found that purpose.

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, Logic amongst other things