The Amazing Adventures of Lunimous Lucid, The Scropulous Joyful Jester

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

...Have Fun Safer...

Seemingly, more and more ways of entertaining ourselves to an excruciating end are forever being invented. One might think that having fun should be associated with entertaining activities that neither harm nor jeopardize the sacred right of life in itself, but no...not for today's generation. The idea, for instance, of going ice skating and then taking a turn at a paintball club, might seem to be an exciting and pleasant outing for jolly little mind like mine, but might be seen as a real bore for an average youth seeking to amuse himself with far greater intoxicating minerals before he can be assumed to be enjoying himself. A friend of mine once asked me how to I enjoy myself without being drunk? it me or has all 'fun' tagged activities been associated with getting urself intoxicated, forgetting who u are, doing crazy stuff and waking up in bed with a total stranger whose name u don't even know...somehow i don't find that fun at all...maybe it's me, I don't know....

I happened to bump into condom container this other day which had the words 'have fun Safer' written on it, and i kept asking myself, what kind of adults are we expecting from young kids if having fun is being associated with such activities as having sex and drinking alcohol? I mean, it will be very foolish of us to promote such things and then expect good morals to be the end result. It's like planting a potato seed but then expect an apple tree to sprout up, that is very absurd. The predicament intensifies as time passes. Back when I was still in junior high, it was a real embarrassment for a 16yr old to be pregnant, but today it seems to be an in-thing. Sometime when I go back home, I feel like an outcast in my own backyard. People talk about their kids, and to their surprise, the only response I have is "hm..."

But what i know is that, for me, the joy of the Lord is what makes life fun and exciting. I don't need to drug myself to enjoy life's precious moments, or sleep with girl to satisfy my rather aching fleshy desires which ought not to be satisfied anyways. I don't believe in losing yourself in attempts to find yourself, that's a foolishness that results in more lossness..., or in learning by experimenting with things, some experiments tend to go very wrong, lab scientists will tell you that, and mostly some experiments are not worth pursuing at all.

May you have joy and happiness, not as the world promises, but as God gives it.

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls, Life and something like it

Monday, April 25, 2011

Unpractical Man Wanted

When things don't seem to go right, who do you call? Many have directed me to practical ways of overcoming certain circumstances. But i've found that being practical only works when things are working as they should. Meaning, practicality doen't tell you why circumstances are as they are, but only gives you ways to effeiciently overcome them. Efficiency itself means to discover everything about something except what is for and why is it there. It would then be truer to suggest that when life goes very wrong, you would be in less need of a practical man and more in need of an unpractical man, because a practical man is accustomed to daily life incidences. An unpractical man on the other hand is one who, when things go very wrong, can help you understand what is happening beyond what a mere human may understand, and therefore, make you understand why you have kife in the first place, answering your desire to have meaning.

Often at times, i feel as if when people give you advise, it's awlays on the basis of what they themselves have experienced in their own lives, which sometimes is quiet irrelevant to my own life. Don't get me wrong, it's to share experiances with each other, but what i'm saying is that one should rather get the answers from the one who created him in the first place, and God is the one who holds our lives in His hands....

Keep Thinking!
Sources: Life Scrolls